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After a stressful day, wouldn’t you just love to have a massage therapy session? The feeling of relaxed muscles is something that rejuvenates the body and mind. A 20-minute massage therapy right before you go to sleep can improve your sleep patterns, and just after you’ve woken up can improve blood circulation and increase your productivity.
We obviously cannot be followed around by a masseuse all day, but we can find an efficient replacement. Rehab Store brings ten of the best manual massage tools that are economical, time saving and proven to be the best on the market.
This massager has great power packed in a small punch. It includes three heads for concentrated massage of specific areas. The cap can be left on for massage over larger areas. The specialized mechanism of the massager ensures that each and every muscle that comes in contact with the massager gains benefit. This helps with an overall relaxation of the body as well as specific muscles.
Features of Rolyan Mini Massager
A powerful massager with enhanced features for exceptional therapy, the Jeanie Rub massagers provide deep-penetrating, oscillating action which delivers a consistent, soothing and invigorating massage every time. You can add accessories for more targeted trigger points or extremity massage. They can be used for self-massaging or partner massaging.
Features of Core Jeanie Rub Massaer
People often say that the human touch is way more powerful and effective than any technology. We believe that the same goes for massage therapy. A gentle massage by the hand is enough to get rid of any muscle stress or strain for good. The Rolyan Deep Prep Massage Cream enhances the effects of a massage. It has a waxy feel and long lasting glide for relaxing deep tissue massages. It contains beeswax & coconut oil, for healthier and better feeling skin. This cream is excellent for deep tissue massages and works by increasing friction.
Features of Rolyan Deep Tissue Massage Cream
Massaging the back without help can be a very difficult task. The Thera Cane Self Massager is uniquely designed to allow for self-application of pressure to sore muscles. This simple yet effective self-massager makes it easy to apply pain-relieving deep compression directly to the hard, knotted "trigger points" anywhere they occur, breaking up tension even in the hardest-to-reach muscles between shoulder blades.
Features of Thera Cane Self Massager
Self-massaging your legs with your hands or with a hand massager requires a lot of bending and can be a tedious task if you do it for a long time. Sammons SoloMax Massage Tool is a unique self-massage tool which offers the user multiple attachment options for different types of aches and pains. The smooth roller wheel attachment provides a soothing rolling massage of sore and tired soft tissue. The one inch acupressure knob gives a more intense direct pressure of tight trigger points.
Features of Sammons SoloMax Massage Tool
Sometimes the pain or stress in muscles cannot be soothed with the hand or a standard small massager. That’s when you fish out your big guns. The BodySport Massager is a high-powered device with two speeds: low (2,800 rpm) and high (3,700 rpm). It is ideal for home or clinical use and has easily adjustable power switch.
Features of BodySport Massager
We love devices that work accurately and the way we expect. A massager than works precisely on the targeted group of muscles is always a hit. The Fabrication Point Relief Massager provides a comfortable vibrating massage. It is compact, portable and small enough to fit in purse or pocket. The Point Relief Massager comes in both Standard and Deluxe versions. It uses 1 "C" battery that is included.
Features of Fabrication Mini Massager
A gentle massage while you take a nap, with a little heat to sooth the muscles. Sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? Well, the Conair Body Benefits Massaging Neck Rest does just that. It fits snuggly behind the neck for welcome relief from tension, and a soothing, heated massage to the upper back and neck. The adjustable 4-position neck support has easy-access controls, so the user can manage heat and speed settings for a custom, comfortable caress that soothes and relaxes. The stimulating vibration helps ease neck stiffness and tension, while the gentle heat provides therapeutic warmth throughout.
Features of Conair Body Massaging Neck Rest
The TheraWand Pelvic Therapy Device is best for use in pelvic floor treatments including but not limited to trigger point, myofascial release, painful intercourse, scar tissue, sensitivity, vaginismus, anorgasmia and more. The curved design allows for ease of use intravaginally to treat pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.
Features of TheraWan Pelvic Therapy Device
Scar pain is usually overlooked since it is believed that it cannot lead to any major complications. Sometimes, the pain can grow and we can act impulsively which can lead to an injury. So, when there is scar pain, you should take precautions. The Scar Tissue Wooden Massage Tool is used to desensitize and soften scars.
Features of Scar Tissue Massage Tool
Disclaimer: All content found on our website, including images, videos, infographics and text were created solely for informational purposes. Our content should never be used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions. Content shared on our websites is not meant to be used as a substitute for advice from a certified medical professional. Reliance on the information provided on our website as a basis for patient treatment is solely at your own risk. We urge all our customers to always consult a physician or a certified medical professional before trying or using a new medical product.