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People suffering from quadriplegia are paralyzed from the neck down, including the trunk, legs, and arms. They find it difficult to move their arms and body in such a situation. A Mouth Stick is designed to allow people with restricted hand functions to get access to perform basic daily activities in which a mouthstick can be used as a page turner as well as a pen, pencil, or paintbrush holder. They are lightweight and easy to hold with the mouth. It gives them a feeling of motivation, entertainment, self-esteem, and independence. We at Rehab-Store, offer high-quality mouth sticks for quadriplegics at affordable prices.
Quadriplegic Mouth Stick can be used for performing various tasks such as:
Typing sticks or page turners can be very helpful in situations where individuals suffer from:
Performing activities like typing, pressing buttons, turning pages and drawing requires controlled hand movement but due to cerebral palsy, some people are not able to get control of their hand movement. To get a solution to this problem, we at Rehab Store provide you essential aids for people with restricted hand functions from top-selling manufacturers.