Buy Paraffin Treatment | Paraffin Wax | Paraffin Wax Machine | Paraffin Bath


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What is Paraffin Treatment?

Paraffin is a mineral wax derived from petroleum and is the key ingredient in paraffin treatment. Paraffin wax has a high heat-retaining capacity and can effectively transfer heat to the affected body part when it is in a liquid state. For paraffin treatment, a paraffin bath is used to heat the wax to a specific temperature. When the wax is melted, hands and feet are immersed in the bath and removed to allow the wax layer to solidify. Your therapist or spa technician may paint other affected body parts with the melted wax for therapeutic purposes.

Rehab Store brings products required for effective paraffin treatment, such as paraffin wax machines, paraffin wax, insulation garments, paraffin mitts, and boots, at an affordable price.

Benefits of Paraffin Wax Treatment

Paraffin treatment is used for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. Paraffin helps in soothing chronic joint pain and in relaxing stiff muscles. Paraffin therapy improves blood flow to the affected area and range of motion for people with arthritis, bursitis, and other chronic joint conditions that cause pain and stiffness. Paraffin treatment is alps used in spas to smoothen and soften dry, chapped, rough, or scaly skin. Furthermore, wax therapy is also helpful for chronic skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.

How to use Paraffin Wax Machine?

  • Place the paraffin bath on a flat and secure surface. 
  • Pour the paraffin wax into the tank of the machine.
  • If the machine comes with a grille, place it on the unmelted paraffin wax.
  • Plug the paraffin unit into an electrical socket.
  • Leave the machine plugged in for 6-8 hours to allow the paraffin to melt completely.
  • Stir in mineral oil.
  • Wash and dry the body part to be treated.
  • The paraffin wax is ready to use when it reaches 125°F. 
  • Apply a few drops of olive oil or hydrating cream to easily remove the hardened wax.
  • Immerse your hand, wrist, elbow, or foot into the paraffin.
  • Remove the body part and wait for some time to allow the paraffin to cool and harden.
  • Repeat this process at least ten times to build several layers of wax on your hand or foot. 
  • Wrap your hand or foot with a plastic liner and place it in a paraffin mitt or boot.
  • Wait for 15-20 minutes.
  • Remove the mitt or boot, remove the plastic liner and peel the paraffin from around the treated body part.
  • Apply moisturizer to the treated body part.

FAQs about Paraffin Wax Treatment

1. Is Paraffin Treatment safe?

Paraffin therapy is generally safe, although you should take care not to heat the wax too much. Paraffin wax can catch fire if it is overheated. You should not use paraffin wax treatment if you have:

  • Diabetes
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Numbness in your hands or feet
  • Any sensitivity to chemicals
  • Any cut, rashes, open sores, or inflammatory skin conditions

2. Are Paraffin Wax Baths sanitary?

Paraffin wax does not contain water or oxygen, and the wax at a temperature of around 130 °F creates a hostile condition for pathogens to survive. Hot paraffin wax creates an instant barrier on the skin and solidifies as soon as it touches the skin. Because of this, any dirt or germs that are on the skin are unable to contaminate the melted wax in the bath.

3. Are there any side effects of Paraffin Baths?

While paraffin is safe and hygienic to use on the skin, it may cause heat rash for people with sensitive skin. Heat rash manifests as small red bumps on the skin that can be itchy and uncomfortable. Those with chemical sensitivity may develop minor swelling or breakouts. You can consult with a doctor before using the paraffin bath.

4. What are the therapeutic benefits of Paraffin Wax Treatment?

A paraffin wax bath is used to alleviate pain due to fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other joint mobility diseases. Heat therapy helps increase blood circulation to the affected area, relaxes the muscles to decrease stiffness, and may help minimize muscle spasms and inflammation.

5. What are the cosmetic benefits of Wax Therapy?

Paraffin wax is often used for manicures and pedicures, and the wax is applied to the hands and feet. The paraffin used in spa treatments acts as a natural emollient that helps make skin soft and supple. It adds moisture to the skin and continues to boost the skin's moisture levels after the treatment is complete. A paraffin bath helps open pores and remove dead skin cells, making the skin look fresher and smoother.

Where to buy products for Paraffin Treatment online?

Paraffin treatment is versatile, fast-acting, and offers deep moist heat therapy for a wide range of conditions. Paraffin wax relieves sore, stiff joints and muscles as well as offers excellent benefits to the skin. Rehab Store offers high-quality supplies for paraffin treatment from top-selling manufacturers like W.R. Medical Electronics, Patterson Medical, Bilt-Rite Mastex Health, etc., at the best prices. Place your order today!

Read more about Paraffin Wax Treatment