Five Best Creams For Arthritis

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Finding relief from arthritis pain can be a godsend, but with all the products available, where do you start? One of the most common arthritis pain relief products is topical creams. While they are not a cure for arthritis, they can provide pain and anti-inflammatory relief, and many are FSA-eligible. These creams deliver pain relief topically through the skin to affected joints near the skin's surface. Creams can be very effective on knees, ankles, elbows, and knuckles.  

Arthritis and Its Symptoms 

We have all heard about arthritis, but what is it? While there are different types of arthritis, the symptoms can be similar. Common symptoms of arthritis in the early stages include: 

  • Joint pain 
  • Swelling 
  • Joint redness/tenderness 
  • Fever 
  • Reduced range of motion 


The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage in the joints to break down, while rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system disease that attacks joints. Besides the pain associated with arthritis, complications can become serious. Complications can include joint deformities, widespread inflammation, tendon damage, and cardiovascular damage. 

5 Great Topical Creams for Arthritis 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for arthritis, so treatment targets symptom reduction to improve quality of life. The easiest method is topical creams applied to affected areas which beg the question: which arthritis creams are best? With options seemingly limitless, making a choice may seem impossible, but fortunately, we have identified five of the best creams for arthritis.  

  1. Fabrication Point Relief ColdSpot Lotion Gel: This pain relieving gel by Penetrating Deep tackle aches and pains associated with arthritis. Natural ingredients such as menthol, MSM, ilex, and arnica provide temporary pain relief with a refreshing peppermint scent. The water-based formula of this FSA-approved cream is clear, which minimizes grease and residue. 
  2. Orthopedics Pharmaceuticals Orthogel Advanced Cold Therapy Pain Relief GelThe greaseless, odorless gel provides fast, deep penetrating relief from the pain associated with arthritis. It does not contain aspirin and is made from OptMSM and PUREFLEX glucosamine. 
  1. Tiger Balm Topical Pain Relief: Formulated with herbal components for reducing pain and inflammation in affected areas, this topical cream works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain and inflammation. 
  2. Arnicare Arnica Montana Topical Pain Relief Cream: Designed to reduce and relieve pain, the plant-based ingredients are a nongreasy relief for arthritis pain. This topical pain cream is fragrance-free and does not contain dyes or parabens. 
  3. Biofreeze Professional Pain Relieving GelThis pain management gel reduces arthritis pain and joint stiffness associated with arthritis. It contains no NSAIDs or addictive substances and is fast acting and long-lasting. It can be used at home or in clinical settings for therapists. 

Arthritis (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid) can damper your mobility, independence, and quality of life, so finding relief from pain and inflammation can be essential. Take control of arthritis pain and keep moving!  

Visit Rehab-Store for these five great arthritis creams and other products for pain relief. 


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