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Introduction | Causes of Hand Pain | Pain Relief | Hot and Cold Therapy | Exercises
Our hands are complex structures consisting of 27 bones. The muscles and joints in the hand allow for powerful, specific, and effortless movements that enable us to perform numerous everyday tasks. It may come as no surprise that our hands are vulnerable to injury and pain for various reasons. Pain in the hand commonly originates from sprains and fractures from slips or falls, nerve damage, arthritis, repetitive motion injuries, and several chronic health conditions.
Chronic hand pain accompanied by stiffness and swelling can occur in different parts of the complex bone structure, muscles, joints, connective tissues, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves. Hand pain reduces the quality of life and hampers our ability to carry out simple tasks like tying a shoelace.
There are several conditions that cause pain in the hands. The 2 most common are the following:
Arthritis – Rheumatoid or osteoarthritis are painful diseases that commonly affect hand functions. Osteoarthritis occurs due to a breakdown of the shock-absorbing cartilage that cushions the bones in the finger joints and the base of the thumb. It causes the bones to rub against each other, causing stiffness and pain in the hand and wrist.
Repetitive Motion Injuries – Hand pain from repetitive motions and overuse of hand muscles, such as continuously typing on a computer keyboard or texting on mobile phones, is rising. These repetitive motions can result in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, and bursitis.
Those who want to stay mobile or avoid oral painkillers for fear of drug overdose, addiction, or other harmful side effects, find topical pain relievers an easy and safe alternative. These products contain ingredients like Menthol and Camphor to quickly relieve chronic hand pain and muscle aches using cold therapy. Topical pain relievers such as BioTemper provide instant relief from hand pain for arthritis, carpal tunnel, neuropathy, tendinitis and bursitis, sports injuries, and other medical conditions.
Heat therapy can be used to loosen hand stiffness and improve range of motion, while cold therapy can be used to get relief from pain, inflammation, and swelling. Hot and cold therapy can be applied using cold therapy systems and hot and cold packs/wraps. Physical therapists often recommend hot and cold therapy and rehabilitation exercises like targeted stretching, strengthening, and massage therapy.
Hand exercises and stretches focused on tendons and muscles can help relieve hand pain, decrease stiffness, and expedite recovery in case of a hand injury. There are several beneficial exercises for hand and knuckle pain that can strengthen the hand muscles and improve finger dexterity.
Here are some easy exercises to improve flexibility and relieve pain in the hands and knuckles:
Finger Touches:
Finger Spreads
Spread your fingers apart and bring them back together. This helps decrease stiffness and improves flexibility.
Finger Squeezes:
You can use a soft foam ball or thera-putty to make the exercise more effective. Avoid overexertion and stop if the movement gets painful.
Wall Walking: walking the fingers up and down a wall can help strengthen the joints.
Arthritis-friendly tools can help perform everyday tasks that may be difficult because of hand pain. Daily living aids such as reachers, padded grips, bottle openers, pencil grippers, weighted utensils, and door handles provide support and reduce recovery time without overexerting the injured or painful hand muscles.
Therapeutic gloves, wraps, and compression sleeves can help aid joints and minimize pain and swelling. Some therapeutic gloves for hands are IMAK Hand And Wrist Compression Active Gloves, Isotoner Therapeutic Gloves, Bio-form Open Tip Pressure Gloves, and BodySport Slip-On Elbow Compression. Bio-form Pediatric Pressure Glove Good Grips Weighted and Bendable Utensils
Some hand problems can develop gradually, especially those related to neuropathy. Regular exercise, proper diet, and overall healthy lifestyle choices can help prevent hand pain and reduce the chances of re-injury or permanent damage. Always consult your doctor for any hand pain or if pain suddenly gets worse.
At, we carry a huge variety of aids for hand pain from well-known manufacturers like Fabrication Enterprises, North Coast, Patterson Medical, and many more. Browse our extensive range to select the products that best suit your needs.
Disclaimer: All content found on our website, including images, videos, infographics and text were created solely for informational purposes. Our content should never be used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions. Content shared on our websites is not meant to be used as a substitute for advice from a certified medical professional. Reliance on the information provided on our website as a basis for patient treatment is solely at your own risk. We urge all our customers to always consult a physician or a certified medical professional before trying or using a new medical product.