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The Thumbs and the Fingers are one of the most important parts of the human body. They are very important for the perfect functioning and mobility of a person. But they are also a very vulnerable part of the body as they are not as strong as the other joints. There are a number of bones in the fingers that coordinate with the tendons and ligaments to function perfectly. The bones are referred to as phalanges. They are most vulnerable to fractures and other kinds of injuries.
A direct blow to the tip of a finger can result in a jammed finger. The joints and muscles in the finger might either be damaged or broken altogether.
A condition common among skiers and gamekeepers, the ulnar collateral ligament is the one that gets damaged and can be either torn completely or mildly ruptured.
Here the joints in the fingers might bend in an awkward position that causes pain. The muscles and tendons might also get damaged due to the oddly shaped joint.
The breaking or coming off of a fingernail can cause serious damage to the finger. The chances of infection increase as the inner flesh is directly exposed to the air.
The infection associated with the region where the fingernail meets the finger is called paronychia.
Other accidents which include fights, car accidents, etc. might cause fractures, tendonitis, etc.
Lacerations are cuts in the finger. An avlusion means the tearing off of a skin or tissue, and a amputation is the complete tearing off and separation of the finger from its joint.
Usually, a doctor prescribes ointments and creams for a cut but a deep laceration might require stitches. An avulsion or amputation may sometimes require surgery but can also be cured by completely immobilizing the finger and restricting its movements.
Braces and Splints are the perfect options for immobilizing the movement of the fingers. They fit snugly around the injured finger and restrict any movement of the joint or the muscles.
Extensor Tubes and gel tubes are aptly designed to deliver therapies to the injured fingers as well as to protect the finger from external blows or hits by providing a padded protection to the finger.
Finger ladders, motion gauges, and goniometers help during the rehabilitation process in measuring the recovery of the finger and the amount of ROM it has recovered.
Finger separators work by giving ample of space for each finger to move and also reducing the friction between the fingers in conditions such as skier’s thumb, mallet finger, hammer finger, etc. They also reduce the chances of calluses and ulcers.
Fingers are delicate joints that need to be taken care of specifically since they can get damaged by the smallest of accidents. The right kind of prevention and treatment products can help you get through finger injuries with easy and less pain.
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