Juvenile Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Juvenile arthritis is one of the most common orthopaedic conditions that affects children of the United States each year. According to the Arthritis Foundation more than 300,000 children are affected by juvenile arthritis in the US each year. 

What is Juvenile Arthritis?

Juvenile refers to children or child-related, and so juvenile arthritis in layman terms is the arthritis that affects children. Joint pain and joint disease are the most common symptoms of arthritis in adults, and the same exist in children. Juvenile arthritis can affect a child’s daily life as well as affect their bodily growth and can cause complications for them as adults.

What are the Types of Juvenile Arthritis?

There are different types of juvenile arthritis that cause joint pain and stiffness out of which the main type is called juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It has six subtypes:


More common among girls, it mostly ends by the time the child becomes an adult. It usually affects the large joints such as the knee, ankles, and elbows. It is also known to affect the eyes

Systematic Juvenile Arthritis

This type of juvenile arthritis affects the entire body including the joints, internal organs, and eyes. About 10% of children with JIA or juvenile idiopathic arthritis are affected by systematic juvenile arthritis. Sometimes, high fever is also a common symptom and includes rashes under the arms, legs, and trunk. 


Affects 25% of children with JIA and more common among girls, polyarthritis affects large and small joints including the neck and the jaw. It often affects both sides of the body, such as both knees, both wrists, and both elbows.

Enthesitis Related Arthritis

Common among boys, it usually occurs between the ages of 8 and 15 and affects the region where the muscles, ligaments, and tendons connect to the bones. They often complicate into conditions related to the fingers, elbows, pelvis, and digestive tract. It is common among children who have a family history of arthritis of the back.

Psoriatic Arthritis

One of the rare forms of juvenile arthritis, psoriatic arthritis affects more than one joint at a time. It comes in combination with psoriasis and hence the name. Psoriatic arthritis causes rashes behind the ears and on the eyelids. The skin conditions often appear a tad bit later after the symptoms of arthritis begin to show up. Children with this form of juvenile arthritis usually have pitted fingernails.

Undifferentiated Arthritis

Another rare form of juvenile arthritis, undifferentiated arthritis causes severe inflammation of the joints. It has some rare symptoms that do not match up with the symptoms of other types of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. 

Other forms of juvenile arthritis include:

  • Juvenile myositis – Inflammation that causes weakness in the muscles and rashes on the eyelids and knuckles
  • Juvenile lupus – It’s an autoimmune disease that inflames the joints, skin, and internal organs such as heart, kidney and lungs.
  • Vasculitis – It inflames the blood vessels and can lead to major complications in the heart
  • Juvenile scleroderma – A skin condition that causes the skin to tighten and harden thus causes inflammation, pain, rashes and irritation
  • Fibromyalgia – One of the most painful forms of juvenile arthritis it causes muscle pain, inflammation, stiffness, fatigue, and wide range of other symptoms.   

What are the Causes of Juvenile Arthritis?

Just like adult arthritis, the pin point cause of juvenile arthritis is unknown. Medical researchers say that juvenile arthritis is caused when the body of the child begins fighting the body’s own cell and tissue instead of fighting bacteria and virus. 
Sometimes, the body releases inflammatory chemicals that attack a tissue lining around the joint known as the synovium. This lining protects the joint from friction and reduces the chances of bone erosion. Reduced synovium results in inflammation in the joints which in turn causes juvenile arthritis. 

Treatment of Juvenile Arthritis

Currently, the medical world doesn’t have a sure shot cure of juvenile arthritis. Some forms of juvenile arthritis usually go away after the child becomes an adult, but even though treatment is important so that the development of the child is not hampered due to the arthritic condition. Remission of arthritis with the reduction of symptoms is possible and requires the use of a wide range of products and therapies.

  1. Hot and Cold Therapy – Hot and cold therapy is one of the most important pain relief therapies used for juvenile arthritis. Since the pain is not temporary, hot and cold therapy units can be a great option for daily pain relief therapy. Targeted therapy can be offered to the affected joint with ease hence reducing the discomfort of the children at all times.
  2. Exercise and Fitness – Exercise and fitness is important for children to help regain the lost strength of the joints, muscles, and bones. Exercise and fitness aids such as exercise steps, exercise balls, fitness kits for children, etc can help increase their muscle and bone strength and also enhance their overall body health. 
  3. Physical and Occupation Therapy – Physical therapy and occupational therapy are great combination therapies that can be used to remit juvenile arthritis. Their effectiveness is proven and with the right consultation from a medical professional, a guided course of physical and occupational therapy can bring a great amount of change in the condition of the child.
  4. Mobility Aids – Many a time arthritis can cause mobility issues in children. Using mobility aids such as wheelchairs, canes, crutches, knee walkers, walkers, walking boots, etc. can help the child move around with ease without worsening the condition and also allowing the other forms of treatment to get to work without stressing the affected joint or region of the body.
  5. Surgery – Surgery is the last and final option to any individual who suffers from arthritis. When it comes to juvenile arthritis, surgery is often performed only when there is danger to the joint that is affected. Since surgery is a complex procedure, medical professional avoid using it on children till it is the last resort.

Where to Buy Products for Juvenile Arthritis Online?

At Rehab Store, we have a wide range of products such as hot and cold therapy units and packs, exercise and fitness products, physical therapy supplies, occupational therapy supplies, mobility aids, etc. for enhanced and effective treatment, management and rehab of children with juvenile arthritis.  


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