A calf strain is a tear of one or more muscles at the back of the leg, resulting in calf muscle pain. It can be either mild or severe muscle pain depending upon the source of pain.
What are the symptoms of calf muscle pain?
- Swelling in calves
- Pale leg color
- Numbness in the calf
- Sudden weakness in the leg
- Redness and tenderness in the calf
- Burning sensations
- Weight-bearing difficulty
- Calf tightness
- Calf pain when walking
What is the cause of calf pain?
Calf pain can have several causes, such as a pulled muscle, a sprain, or a direct injury. Some of the main causes of calf strain include:
- Tennis Leg – Tennis leg is usually related to a sports injury. It is caused while playing any sport, not just tennis. In this type of injury, a person experiences a sudden pain in the middle of their calf and feels a snapping sensation or a snapping sound.
- Blood Clot – Calf pain can also be the result of a blood clot in a calf vein. With pain, blood clots also cause swelling, warmth, and redness. Blood clots may occur because of any calf injury or a sudden collision.
- Calf Muscle Cramp – Calf muscle cramps refer to the sudden contraction of one or more calf muscles. They are intensely painful and result in tight calf muscles. Calf cramps may happen because of diseases or muscle fatigue.
- Gastrocnemius Calf Strain – Gastrocnemius muscle is a two-headed muscle that is in the back part of the legs. Gastrocnemius strains often happen during sports or exercise activities and occur when the calf muscle is abruptly overstretched.
How to treat calf muscle pain?
Having a calf strain can interfere with normal activities like walking, running, or daily routine activities. Calf strain treatment depends on the cause and severity of the calf injury or muscle pain. It can be helped by medication, exercise, or massage. Here are some treatment suggestions.
- Rest – Often, all that may be needed is some rest to ease the pain and reduce further injury. Keep your legs on a soft pillow to relax and always keep your legs straight. Avoid putting pressure or weight on it.
- Ice Treatment – Using ice is an efficient way to cure sore calves, calf tightness, or calf strain. An ice bag may help to reduce swelling, soreness, and stiffness. Apply the ice bags for 15-20 minutes several times a day. It relaxes the muscles and reduces muscle pain.
- Compression & support – Compression is an effective way to reduce swelling. It can be done with a compression bandage or calf support. Wrap a compression bandage around your calf muscle. It helps in keeping the muscle warm and improves blood flow for calf strain recovery.
- Calf Massage – Massage helps in any muscle pain and strain; it minimizes the tightness and stiffness of the muscles. Softly massaging with oil or a lotion in a circular motion on the strained calf muscle will help to increase blood flow and air in relaxing the muscle. Repeat this massage several times a day to ease the pain.
- Leg Exercises – Resting your leg is necessary, but keeping it in the same position may negatively affect your injury. Certain leg exercises move your leg and improve blood flow to prevent stiffness. Doctors also suggest leg exercises for the motion of the leg for calf strain recovery.
Things to consider for calf muscle pain relief
Calf strain recovery is crucial, and it needs proper attention and care. Here are a few tips to consider for calf strain recovery.
- Walk slowly and steadily to reduce calf muscle pain
- Ice treatment should not be done for more than 15-20 minutes
- Never apply ice directly on the skin; it can cause ice burns
- Compression should not be too tight or too loose
- Avoid pressurizing the injured area
Calf pain has several causes, from muscle injuries to chronic health conditions that affect blood flow and nerve function. If your symptoms are severe, please consult a healthcare professional.
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