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Stress is the body's response to a strainful situation where the danger may be real or perceived. Stress causes the body to sweat, the heart to pound faster, and the muscles to tense. Apparently, this response prepares the body to take quick action. However, when experienced too often, stress can become a serious problem.
Stress, stroke, and heart attack have undeniable links to each other. Stress causes the heart to work harder, enhances blood pressure, and increases blood sugar and fat levels. This, in turn, increases the chance of clot formation and makes it hard for the blood to reach the heart or brain, causing a heart attack or stroke.
Additionally, a stressful lifestyle can perturb the balance of your life. People with excessively stress-packed routines often fall back on unhealthy coping actions such as mindless eating, oversleeping, or sleeplessness, to name a few. These unhealthy patterns can also increase the risk of enduring serious chronic concerns like hypertension, headache, chest pain, and more.
Stroke statistics show that every year in the United States, more than 795,000 people have targeted a stroke, a leading cause of death in Americans. The risk of stroke increases with age. However, stroke has no age bar. There is a possibility it can occur at any age. Although stroke is a medical emergency and needs prompt treatment, there is a chance of minimizing brain damage and related complications.
It is natural to feel stress during traumatic events, and you can't stop being stressed, but you can learn how to manage stress. Here are some ways to cope with stress.
Living a stress-free life is next to impossible. However, some options are always to reduce stress and manage daily life. If the abovementioned tips for stress management do not curb your stress levels and make it hard to live a happy life, it is about time you seek medical help for an extensive medical addressal of your problem.
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