Basics of Hot and Cold Therapy

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Hot Therapy     |    When to use?     |    How to use?     |    Cold Therapy     |    When to use Cold Therapy?     |    How to Apply?

Hot Therapy - Basics

Basics of Hot and Cold TherapyApplication of hot therapy has a direct effect on blood vessels. Blood vessels expand by heat which increases the amount of blood flow to the affected area. Joint pain, sore muscles, tendons, and ligaments start relaxing due to the proper supply of nutrients and oxygenated blood. Hot therapy is also effective in reducing muscle spasm and increasing the range of motion. It improves the flexibility of ligaments and tendons.

When to use Hot Therapy?

Use it to cure stiff joints, joint pain, and chronic muscle pain. In any of these conditions, hot therapy can be a great relief.

Heat therapy tips:

  • While using heating pads take extra precautions when lying on it. There is a possibility that you may burn skin by falling asleep.
  • Apply heat for not more than 20 minutes unless suggested by a healthcare professional.
  • Do not use hot therapy, if there are any open stitches or open wounds.
  • In case of swelling apply cold therapy first then hot therapy.
  • In case of diabetes or fluctuating blood pressure, avoid using hot therapy.

How is Hot Therapy applied?

There are two kinds of hot therapy to choose from. First is the dry heat therapy and second is the moist heat therapy. Applying dry heat can leave the skin dry and scaly while moist heat has the ability to penetrate better. Ensure that it is not too hot. Therapy should be warm and consistent until the entire session. There are different types of equipment that can be used to apply the right type and amount of heat. Equipment like Battle Creek Microwave Moist Heat Therapy Pad, Cara Deluxe Heating Pad, and Bilt-Rite Moist/Dry Heating Pad are easily available.

Cold Therapy - Basics

Basics of Hot and Cold TherapyAs opposed to hot therapy, cold therapy reduces the blood flow towards the injury. This helps in reducing swelling and pain. By reducing the circulation, cold therapy also reduces inflammation, pain and muscle spasm. It is best to use when the area is bruised or swelled.

When to use cold therapy?

Cold therapy is great for strains, sprains, bruises, and bumps that usually occur while lifting weight and playing sports. Apply ice therapy within 24 to 48 hrs after an injury. Apply wraps or cold packs to the injured area and ensure that at a time, never apply it for more than 20 minutes. Reapply it after 10 min.

How is Cold Therapy applied?

Use gel or ice packs like Aircast Ankle Cryo/Cuff, Aircast Back/Hip/Rib Cryo/Cuff with Gravity Cooler, etc. to apply cold therapy.

Whether it is hot therapy or cold therapy, instead of applying directly to the skin, it is better to use a thin towel and wrap the device. In case there is confusion or if the injury is serious, it is best to call 911.


All You Need To Know About Hot & Cold Therapy


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