TheraTogs ULTRA Full Body System

TheraTogs ULTRA Full Body System

Brand/Manufacturer: THERATOGS INC

TheraTogs ULTRA Full Body System is designed for children and adults with complex neuromotor disorders. It is useful for young, ambulatory children with functional alignment and mobility issues that incident to cerebral palsy and other CNS dysfunctions and for adults with stroke, traumatic brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, and other adult-onset CNS dysfunctions. The Full Body System wraps the torso and extremities in a Velcro-sensitive strapping field that allows the clinician to attach straps that can improve postural alignment and stability.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
GFB200 Pre-School Each
GFB300 Pediatrics Each
GFB100 Infant Each
GFB400 Petite Adult Each
GFB700 Men's Small Each
GFB720 Men's Large Each
GFB600 Women's Small Each
GFB620 Women's Large Each
GFB730 Men's X-Large Each


  • TheraTogs ULTRA Full Body System includes:
    - The TankTop and Hipster that provide a solid base of trunk stability and postural alignment
    - Enclosed Limb Cuffs and strapping can be used to:
    ‚  1) Add shoulder stability or address shoulder subluxation via an upper extremity strapping application
    ‚  2) Add hip stability, internal/external leg rotation, and/or knee extension assist or resist via lower lower extremity strapping applications
  • The Full Body System addresses the greatest variety of functional alignment and movement issues, as well as related issues in the extremities proximal to the wrists and ankles
  • Improves posture and respiratory capacity
  • Reduced deviations between thorax and pelvis
  • Increased sensory awareness
  • Increased base of support
  • Hip abductors assistance and support
  • Assistance to hip stabilizing musculature
  • Reduced functional degrees of freedom
  • Assistance to muscles lacking adequate recruitment
  • Reduced gait deviations
  • Improved stability and comfort
  • Support of post-surgery rehab goals
  • Indications:
    - Flexible kyphosis
    - Flexible lordosis
    - Excessive pelvic tilt
    - Difficulty maintaining midline trunk and sitting balance
    - Scissoring in stance or gait
    - Balance problems due to hip muscle weakness
    - Intoed or out-toed gait
    - Proximal limb joint control issues Windblown‚ gait
    - Recovery following orthopedic surgery at the spine, hip, or femur
    - Staggering gait due to cerebellar ataxia, adult onset or injury
    - Balance loss due to Multiple Sclerosis


Size Group

Weight Capacity


15 - 25 lbs.


25 - 45 lbs.


45 - 65 lbs.

Petite Adult

65 - 110 lbs.

Women Small

110 - 140 lbs.

Women Large

170 - 200 lbs.
Men Small110 - 145 lbs.
Men large170 - 190 lbs.
Men X-Large

190 - 240 lbs.

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