Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Liver-Rx Dietary Supplement

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Liver-Rx Dietary Supplement


Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Liver-Rx Dietary Supplement has liver support formula with hepatoprotection matrix, revolutionary liver support system boosts cellular glutathione levels.

Hi-Tech Liver-Rx Dietary Supplement Features

  • The liver, which is about half the size of a football, is the largest organ in the body and is surely one of the most important organs due to its numerous roles in metabolism and detoxification. 
  • The liver is responsible to the body for numerous life-sustaining functions. 
  • One of the primary functions of the liver is the responsibility of regulating what substances enter the bloodstream to ensure protection for the remainder of the body, which has earned the liver the title of  
  • While the liver allows familiar and other safe molecules to enter the bloodstream, it attempts to destroy alien and unsafe molecules to prevent them from entering the bloodstream. 
  • The liver also helps convert substances found in food into chemical compounds that the body can use. 
  • The liver also stores sugar in the form of glycogen, which it converts into glucose for release into the bloodstream for energy when the body's blood sugar level falls too low. 
  • The liver also helps maintain hormone balance, stores vitamins A and D, produces bile for the breakdown of dietary fats, oversees the transportation of fat, controls the production and excretion of cholesterol, and manufactures new body proteins.

Side Effects

  • Discuss with your physician before taking if you have a medical condition or are taking any prescription medications. 
  • Stop use and discuss with your physician if any negative effects occur. 
  • Do not exceed suggested dose. 
  • Do not take if pregnant or lactating. 
  • Must be 18 years old to use this product. 
  • Keep away from children. 
  • Do not use if seal has been tampered with. 
  • Store in a cool, dry place.

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