Welch Allyn Plastic Round Tip Ear Speculum

Welch Allyn Plastic Round Tip Ear Speculum

Brand/Manufacturer: WELCH ALLYN INC.
  • FSA Approved

Item 52133 is backorder and will be available to purchase once it is back in stock.

Welch Allyn Plastic Round Tip Ear Speculum is compatible with pneumatic, operating and consulting otoscopes. It is economical & convenient, made from non-toxic plastic.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
52133 3 mm, 25 pieces Each
52133 3 mm, 25 pieces 20/Pack
52133 3 mm, 25 pieces 200/Case
52134 4 mm, 25 pieces Each
52134 4 mm, 25 pieces 200/Case


  • Compatible with pneumatic, operating, and consulting otoscopes. 
  • Economical & convenient; made from non-toxic plastic.

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